Training Techniques
VoiceScape teaches impression management, utilizing time-honored theatre techniques in breath support, tension release, articulation, adjusting speaking paces, volume control, diction, effective listening, conflict resolution, pitch variety, accent modification, and much more.
Instead of a dull lecture format with distracting audiovisual displays held in a hotel conference room, we come right to your worksite. Like a traveling band of players, we ask you to join us in an entertaining, fast-paced, and impactful set of learning modules, customized to your specific company and department.
Our expert actor-trainers lead group exercises, games, individual coaching, audiotape analysis, role-playing, and "Lightning Round" Drill Techniques. Plus, every participant is given a copy of our workbook, "Vocal Pathways", to keep as a reference tool.
All Voicescape training programs are designed for quick, fun implementation of new concepts, with lasting results that will change your job experience every day! Take a moment to learn about our services by clicking on these topics: |